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Sweet Dog. Sweeter human.


Our Services

Our service runs throughout Sydney’s eastern suburbs, inner west and CBD and offer your
choice of day/s and time slots.

Dog Walking

The most fun your furry companion will have. Our dog walks take your beautiful companion to the most dog-friendly parks, beaches and places that will be joyful, enriching and calorie burning.

Private Walks

A private walk goes for 2 hours commencing from the moment we pick up your dog or you drop it off. A healthy mind starts with a healthy body! We will also feed your dog the most healthy and organic treats.

training consultation

We engage with the finest dog trainers to develop and train your dog to reach and exceed its potential. If we fail, we do not charge. This is a testament to our quality of work and to assure you that we will deliver. Training is tailored to dog depending on training required.


We engage with the finest dog trainers to develop and train your dog to reach and exceed its potential. If we fail, we do not charge. This is a testament to our quality of work and to assure you that we will deliver. Sessions are customised depending on training required. 

Doggy daycare halfday 

A half or full day of sheer doggy fun and happiness with our other pack of furry friends. We can pick up your dog in our air-conditioned Sweet Staffy vans and let you get on with your day. Half day (four hours).

Doggy daycare fullday 

A half or full day of sheer doggy fun and happiness with our other pack of furry friends. We can pick up your dog in our air-conditioned Sweet Staffy vans and let you get on with your day. Full day (eight hours).


Going away for the weekend, or just need a random break from everything, including your furry friend? We can pick up your puppy or dog and spend the night making sure you both sleep well. Dogs up to 25kg.

large dog sleepover 

Going away for the weekend, or just need a random break from everything, including your furry friend? We can pick up your puppy or dog and spend the night making sure you both sleep well. Large dog sleepover (over 25kg).

about us

Our Ethos – Sweet dog, Sweeter human.

Sweet Staffy believes it’s never the dog. It’s always the human behind the dog. By showing you, the owner, how to behave around your dog and “speak dog”, you will have the skills required to instruct your pup or dog to do almost anything.  You will learn to manage your dog’s behaviour in a humane, positive-reinforcing way toward becoming the pack leader, as we provide you with the understanding and skills needed to shape a well-behaved dog.

We believe that behind every sweet dog is a sweeter human. In these trying times that we live, kindness is essential to human progression and so our dogs must socialise peacefully with others in promoting a harmonious society that spreads love and positivity to all.



Do you only walk, train and board staffies?

No. Sweet Staffy is just a name and our cosmopolitan pack includes every dog breed, colour and size bred by mankind. Diversity is the key to civilisation, and pack strength.

Why Sweet Staffy?

Our training is simple, natural and effective

Training a dog, whether it’s a puppy, an older dog, or one with more complex behavioural issues, can be challenging. But training a dog is absolutely essential. Your companion is worth it, your peace of mind depends on it. Reach out to Sweet Staffy today and book your appointment to transform your dog and transform your life for the better.

Not everyone who owns a dog is able to provide their furry friend with enough outdoor space to play and thrive. This can result in the dog getting frustrated and agitated and spending long periods restless and barking, which can generate complaints from neighbours. Worse, this can frustrate you and push you towards an exit strategy.

Often, people take their dogs to the local park, which sadly, is where problems may arise. Even vast public outdoor spaces can become crowded very quickly and if your dog is not well trained, it might end up posing a risk to other people, animals, and themselves. What if your dog gets a bit overwhelmed by the activity, and it attacks another dog or a person? This is a common occurrence and the cause of owner (and dog) grief and anxiety. Sometimes, the person who has been attacked (or the owner of the dog who has been attacked) may decide to take legal action against you. This can be an absolute nightmare, not to mention that it may ruin that beautiful, nurturing bond that you were creating with your dog. This is definitely a situation that no dog owner wants to find themselves in. 

There is, luckily, one great solution to this – Sweet Staffy. 

Contact us now to help you train your puppy or dog. We thrive on challenges and love our dogs more than anything on this planet. Mankind bred and domesticated dogs 15,000 years ago and have since learnt to cultivate their qualities and learn better about humanity. This relationship that mankind and dogs share is unique in the animal kingdom and one that we must fully embrace. The belief is that dogs live seven times intensely as humans which means we cannot waste any time not living to our full potential. Sweet Staffy will help you to strengthen your bond with your dog and reap the rewards of an unforgettable relationship filled with precious moments.

What type of dog training does Sweet Staffy provide?

We perform all types of training, including (but not limited to):

  • Basic Obediance: ‘Sit & Stay’ even with distractions; ‘Down’ with distractions; ‘Wait’; ‘Off’
  • Intermediate Obediance: Non-verbal Come; ‘Look at Me’; ‘Place’ (go to their spot and stay, bed, blanket)
  • Pack training and socialisation
  • Off leash walking
  • Loose leash walking
  • Toilet training
  • Fetching (including ‘Drop it’ and ‘Leave it’)
  • Emergency recall (Come)
  • Advanced training: scent detection; tricks; 
Where do you provide the dog training?

Sweet Staffy can come to your home or perform the training at our base whilst you’re at work or on holiday. Imagine coming back from a four-week trip to Mexico and seeing your puppy fully toilet trained and walking off leash. Sweet Staffy is fully capable of delivering this. If we fail, you do not pay. No other dog training service does this.

The Initial Consultation

Almost always, a dog can become a well-adjusted, well-behaved, happy companion with the right training. Whether your dog just needs basic training or some type of behavioural adjustment, we first need to perform an assessment.

Sweet Staffy visits with you and your dog or puppy at your home or at our base. The first thing we do is evaluate your pup as well as your current home dynamics to determine how they impact your dog’s behaviours. We will propose that certain adjustments be made to your environment in order to smoothen the learning process for your dog. No matter what breed, age, or issue, Sweet Staffy’s natural, dog-friendly methods are proven effective through kindness and positive reinforcement.

What type of dog issues can Sweet Staffy resolve?

Using the positive training method along with our tricks of the trade, Sweet Staffy can resolve the most challenging dog behaviour issues and address obedience and nuisance issues, such as:

  • Aggression – all forms
  • Barking
  • Destruction (shoes, furniture, remote controls, etc.)
  • Digging
  • leash pulling
  • whining and whimpering
  • counter surfing
  • separation anxiety
  • jumping – all forms (including with children)
  • sibling rivalry
  • territory marking
How long will it take to improve my dog’s issues?

Not long at all. We offer a rare service in which we only charge you if we resolve your dog’s issue. If we cannot resolve the issue, we do not charge. We believe in honesty and integrity and are passionate about positive change.

What payment methods do you accept?

Credit Card is our preferred method of payment. We ask that all payments are made at least 24 hours before your appointment by contacting us and we require payment to hold your time slot.

What happens if I have a scheduled appointment that I have to cancel or reschedule?

We understand that sometimes things come up and you cannot make your scheduled appointment. If this is the case we simply ask for a 24 hour notice before canceling or rescheduling an appointment. Without this 24 hour notice you will be charged 50% of your fee.

Of course we understand that emergencies happen and people and dogs get sick. If this is the case we will gladly work with you.

What is the refund policy?

Once your payment has been processed we have a “no refund” policy. Exceptions to this policy require management approval and will be determined on a case-by-case basis. If approved, the refund will not include the credit card processing fee.

Please note that, in lieu of a refund, training time may be transferred to another dog or, in some cases, to another client if the purchaser so wishes.

All private session packages expire within 6 months of date of purchase.

Contact Us

Ask a Questions or Schedule a Play Date!